Thursday, July 26, 2007

"My most valuable thing"

My most valuable thing is my "friends" how would i live without friends.

You! Can you live without friends?

First of all, I know we persons can't live without somebody in our side, who can understand and can help us in times of troubles. Friend is the person who understand us, who advices us if we need advices, the one we can trust about "secrets".

True friend will not left us in times of trouble and they dont betray us. They are the one who encourage us if we're in doubt's and hesitations. True friend will not teach us bad, they be the one will tell us if were right or wrong.

Not only Friend, is the most valuable thing to me.

My mother is also the most precious and the most valuable person in my life.

She's the reason i live and the reason why i want to pursue my dreams and goals.

mother is the person i would like to thanks because she's the one who really cares and who will light my way if i lost the path im going on.

To my mother i would say to you....

Thanks you to you for giving me all things that you haved given to me and your the first person who gives me insperation

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

my experciene during prelim exam!!!!!!

My expercience during prelim is "hustle" because my first exam is "PHYSICS" its the subject that i afriad off... its hard but i try to answer all the question and solve all suituation problem given.. i never know if i do it right but i hope my teacher will consider that.... hahahaha
goodluck to me but nexttime i will study hard eventhough my nose bleeding to this subject....
i think i should look for someone who can teach me will.. i know my teacher is good but i need too because i want to learn....

I hope also that their is someone concern out their and teach me.....
So to you reader i hope you help me...

why is it!!!!

hi to all the blog reader....
First of all i just want to say good day to all blog readers, i know your wondering why i name my blog like this..... because according to the discussion last orientation were the biggest number of students and thats why where i get my idea of naming my blog ....

Its fun to have a activity like this "creating blogs" because we can read what other students want to say and what they think...